Intoxication Manslaughter | State v. G.G.
Not Guilty
Intoxication Manslaughter | State v. G.G.
Harris County 248th
While the Not Guilty verdict may have been in our client’s favor, there are truly no winners in Intoxicated Manslaughter cases. The jury was not happy to render a verdict of Not Guilty but, they followed the law and had doubts about intoxication. The jury took their oath very seriously and stayed true to their doubts, not letting their emotions overcome a just verdict. Thank you to that jury for giving our client his life back.
Our client was speeding and texting while driving. Unfortunately, he had a tragic accident killing another man by rear ending him at a stop light. The blood test of .21 residual blood and .19 consent blood draw just didn’t add up. Only 1 witness/police officer said he smelled alcohol on our client out of 15 witnesses. None of the witnesses said he had even slurred speech, which the hospital video confirmed. He never asked to use the restroom once. He was given fentanyl and had a head injury. He was confused and out of it, but not slurred or drunk. The blood just didn’t add up. Amanda Culbertson did a great job explaining the problems with lavender topped tubes, serum samples, and pulling cold blood. Don Egdorf helped the jury understand what a proper police investigation should have entailed and what voluntary consent should look like. The DAs were professional and tried a great case. At the end of the day, there was just too much doubt for intoxicated manslaughter.
Thank you also to the Judge for giving us time and patience to try a very difficult and emotional case. Thank you to my office for preparing this case, having everything in order, and holding down the fort while we were out for 2 weeks. Lastly, and most importantly, thanks to God for aligning all the stars and putting the right people in the right seats after 2,295 days. We sincerely hope that both families can find peace and closure after this tragic accident.