Texas v. B.S.


Texas v B.S.

Harris County No. 12


.22 BLOOD TEST!!!! Client was involved in a one car accident and stuck a pole. The video quality was terrible so we really didn’t see any video. I had Facebooked the arresting officer who had some pretty outrageous stuff on his wall. During a break, I made mention of it and told him I would take it easy on him. It must have really messed his head up, because he just rolled over and turned into putty during cross examination. The officer testified that he saw no loss of mental or physical faculties on the client. Additionally, my second question to him was what is the definition of intoxicated. He did not know. How can an officer make arrested for DWI when he doesn’t even know the definition of intoxicated? The Judge and the State were pretty disgusted by this officer’s training. The State made the call to cut this case early and not waste any more of the tax payers money. Kudos to the State for doing the right thing. You are appreciated.


Disclaimer: Due to the high frequency of Dismissals, and the possibility of the State refilling, these cases are not reported often. Thank you to the State for taking a stand and doing the right thing. Dismissals are always a gift.