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Houston Child Support Lawyer

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Houston Child Support Lawyer

We understand that essentially every parent in the world wants the right choice for their child. We also understand that the process of separation, property division, and custody negotiation can turn a simple split into a complex and emotional battle in which children can sometimes be caught in the middle. 

Texas courts are strict when it comes to all issues involving child support, if you want to advocate for yourself or your family you’ll need one of the best child support lawyers Houston has to offer. With a Houston child support lawyer at your side, your child can have the future that they deserve and you can also be treated fairly in the ongoing negotiations — whether you’re paying child support, receiving it, or are still in the process of figuring that out. 

At Thiessen Law Firm we will take the time to get to know you and your family so that we can tell your story in negotiation and mediation or fight for you in a court of law. Call Taly Thiessen at Thiessen Law Firm today at (713) 864-9000 and ask her to advocate for your family. 

What is the minimum child support per child in Texas?

Generally, the parent who does not have primary custody of the child will have to pay child support to the parent who has primary or full custody in Texas. The minimum child support per child in Texas will depend almost entirely on your income. How is child support calculated in the Lone Star State?

  1. The court will identify all sources of income of the parent paying child support. These sources of income can include the following over the year:
    1. Salary and wages including tips, bonuses, or commissions
    2. Royalties, interests, or dividends collected from any source
    3. Income from self-employment or small businesses
    4. Benefits, retirement income, or pension income
    5. Disability or unemployment benefits
    6. Gifts
    7. Alimony
    8. Annuities, capital gains, or income from trusts and estates
  2. The court will subtract federal and state income taxes, social security payments, and health care costs.
  3. The court will take this yearly number and divide it by 12 to determine your monthly net income.
    1. If that net income is below $9,200, the guidelines for child support are as follows:
      1. 1 child = 20% of net income
      2. 2 children = 25% of net income
      3. 3 children = 30% of net income
      4. 4 children = 35% of net income
      5. 5 children = 40% of net income
      6. 6+ children = at least 40% of net income
    2. If that net income is above $9,200, the amount of child support paid will be the greater amount between:
      1. The percentage above but applied to only $9,200 of net income or
      2. 100% of the children’s total actual needs. 

Although this formula provides a standard method for calculating child support, each case is unique, and factors specific to each individual case and family will inevitably influence what the court determines is fair in the final amount. 

Whether you’re negotiating joint custody in Texas or want to make sure that your children are protected after a no-fault divorce in Texas, hiring a compassionate and dedicated attorney is the best thing that you can do for your family’s future.  But you don’t just need a family law attorney in Houston when you’re going through a divorce. 

If you or a loved one is about to pay or be paid child support, the best way to make sure you and your family get what you deserve is by working with an experienced child support lawyer in Texas. 

How do child support modifications work in Texas?

Filing for child support modification in Texas is usually preceded by material and substantial change in circumstances — at least it should be if you want the petition to modify child support to succeed. 

Some things that the court considers to be material or substantial changes in circumstances can include:

  • The child moving to a new living arrangement
  • The child developing or discovering special medical or educational needs
  • The child’s medical insurance or coverage changing
  • A parent losing their job
  • A parent receiving a significant pay raise or pay reduction
  • A parent becoming responsible for another child
  • A parent’s financial circumstances change in another major way (an inheritance, an injury, etc.)

Child support modification can be applied whenever a material or substantial change in circumstances occurs OR three years after the child support order. 

Can you fight child support in Texas?

Although child support is an essential civic responsibility and a serious legal obligation, the system is not perfect. Changing child support circumstances and contesting civil court recommendations are a difficult but sometimes necessary piece of the process — one which you will likely not succeed in without an experienced child support lawyer by your side. 

The child support attorneys at Thiessen Law Firm are equipped to negotiate fairer child support recommendations, contest unfair child support demands, or help make sure that your children receive what they need to thrive.

We know that every family is different. The solution for your family likely doesn’t have much in common with the solutions determined by a formula or calculator. If you want the state to give you and your family the consideration that you deserve, a skilled family lawyer will be able to help make them. 

Continue reading: How to stop Texas child support payments

Do you need a lawyer for child support in Texas?

If you plan on contesting, requesting, or trying to influence the ruling of a Texas court on a child support issue, you will likely need a child support lawyer in Texas. Some of the many ways that a child support lawyer can help you during this difficult time include the following. 

  1. They can offer legal expertise. At the most basic level, your attorney’s knowledge of family law will be indispensable from case evaluation to eventual litigation.
  2. They can investigate and provide evidence to the court of what your family needs. Whether you’re being gouged by a vengeful ex or are being penny-pinched after taking on a heroic portion of the parenting, your attorney can illuminate your family’s situation to the court as well as provide proof of what you need. 
  3. They can negotiate and mediate. Before things move into a court of law, having a skilled lawyer can make sure that you give yourself a chance at settling before the heat is turned up. 
  4. They can represent you in trial. If mediation is unsuccessful, having a dedicated Houston child support lawyer to advocate for your rights and present a compelling case is often your only shot at victory. 

Whether you’re seeking a child support modification or are entering a heated dispute that will include property division and custody, having a trusted attorney by your side can create a lifeline during one of the most difficult times of your life, as well as help you see it through to the other side. 

The Houston child support lawyers at Thiessen Law Firm are here for your family

Matters involving child support are incredibly complex, high-stakes affairs, that often involve much more than just financial consequences for the families involved. If you or a loved one is dealing with child support, hiring a Houston child support lawyer can provide legal, financial, and emotional protection at a time when you need it most. 

Whether you’re looking for the best divorce attorney Houston has to offer, fighting for custody of your children, negotiating property division, or need assistance with a child support problem, the family lawyers at Thiessen Law Firm can help.  

Taly Thiessen, the principal family law attorney at Thiessen Law Firm, is a battle-tested family lawyer known for her dedicated and sympathetic support as well as fierce courtroom representation. If you need an advocate for your family during this difficult time, call Taly at Thiessen Law Firm at (713) 864-9000 or contact us online to set up a consultation today. 

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